American scientists have created the first portable MRI machine. It fits in a backpack

American scientists have created the first portable MRI machine. It fits in a backpack

22 September 2020, 9:55
A source: ©
A portable magnetic resonance imaging machine was developed by researchers in Los Angeles. It can fit into a small backpack. But to take readings, you will need a special chip implanted in the patient's head.

Development includes not only functionality for studying brain activity, but also for stimulating it. In addition, you can connect additional devices to it. In particular, EEG, virtual reality glasses, devices for fixing heart rate and respiration.

According to scientists, their development is a clear demonstration of the mobility of already familiar medical devices. After all, the weight of the backpack is only 4 kg, so it can be quite successfully dressed and removed by one person. You don't even need outside help here.

However, portable MRI has one significant drawback - the subject must have a neural implant. It is he who is engaged in the transmission of information about the work of the brain.

At this stage, such chips have already been implanted in almost 150 thousand people around the world. These are mainly people suffering from lesions of the nervous system and concomitant diseases.
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