Americans create the first robot that can contract and expand in flight (Video)

Americans create the first robot that can contract and expand in flight (Video)

23 September 2020, 9:56
A source: ©
The robot, which can change its size during flight, was developed by researchers at one of the American universities. It is planned to be used in conditions where the risk of collision of objects in the air is maximally high.

The construction of devices is based on a special frame and drive. It is similar in some way to the scheme used in car airbags. But unlike similar designs that are used for static devices, the size of the new robot is adjustable without compromising its maneuverability.

According to scientists, their development can minimize damage in a collision with other objects. Also, due to the ability to change its shape and size, the robot can be used as a means of communication. For example, a drone can be programmed to expand in the event of a potential outside threat.

The American scientists plan to use the developed schemes to create unmanned aerial vehicles with similar capabilities. They shared their materials, first of all, with meteorological services.

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