Without beginning or end - 3D puzzles by designers from the USA

Without beginning or end - 3D puzzles by designers from the USA

24 September 2020, 9:20
A source: © museum-design.ru
Three-dimensional puzzles that have no beginning or end were invented by specialists from a design studio from the United States. They used knowledge from art and scientific research for their puzzle.

Puzzles do not have a clear final shape, starting point and fixed edges. The final drawing can be produced in a thousand ways. Parts of a plywood puzzle can be laid out in any direction, added, removed - outside, inside, left and right.

The American idea is based on a three-dimensional shape, better known as the F. Klein bottle. Here, no matter from which side the work on the picture begins, many versions can be used to continue it.

Each puzzle is a copy of a NASA snapshot featuring an astronaut, rocket, satellite, and infinite outer space. On the one hand, it is quite complex, on the other hand, it is useful from the point of view of the development of logic, attention, imagination.

According to the authors of puzzles, this is the real dream of a board game lover. After all, they can be collected almost endlessly.

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru
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