Airbus showing three concept aircraft model

Airbus showing three concept aircraft model

25 September 2020, 11:28
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Airbus presented three concept versions of the aircraft. These models are equipped with innovative solutions to minimize harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

In total, the designers have proposed three versions of the aircraft. The first is a classic passenger airliner, the second is an airliner with propellers and blades, and the third is an aircraft with a mixed wing option. Each of them can carry from 100 to 120 passengers in one flight.

For these commercial aircraft, Airbus offered modified engines. They are able to use liquid hydrogen as fuel and have zero negative emission of harmful substances.

According to the developers, the introduction of conceptual developments should begin in 2035. But this is only on condition that interference with the infrastructure of world airports is officially authorized. And also if the chosen fuel technology continues to develop. Otherwise, the implementation of the project may stop for an indefinite period.

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