Joy, nostalgia and comfort - felt toys of a resident of Australia (Photo)

Joy, nostalgia and comfort - felt toys of a resident of Australia (Photo)

26 September 2020, 11:14
A source: ©
An Australian woman with a funny nickname Koto-Rabbit is making felt toys. She combined all her works into an impromptu zoo.

A woman creates felt toys toys without sketches. She just sits down at the table and begins to cut, sew and roll the wool together. And here it is not even necessary to look at the reference pictures of finished products. The needlewoman simply gives free rein to imagination.

In the felt format, Koto Rabbit has already managed to create a llama, a rabbit, a cat, a bear, as well as many fictional animals. The latter are fantastic creatures that are as pretty as ordinary baby animals.

Each character created by the Australian has its own character and a set of expressive features. He is dressed in human clothing, and sometimes is a participant in everyday scenes.

KotoRabbit posts all his works on his website and pages of social networks. Therefore, they are publicly available not only for views, but also for orders. That is why toys of needlewomen from Australia are “scattered” all over the world.

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