Fabric Robot: Yale Materials Scientists Share New Development (Video)

Fabric Robot: Yale Materials Scientists Share New Development (Video)

1 October 2020, 12:18
A source: © pnas.org
The robotic fabric was successfully developed by specialists from Yale University. She was taught to change depending on the conditions dictated by the environment.

Scientists have come up with several types of fibers and woven them into ordinary textiles. The first type is made of epoxy resin in combination with a substance that melts at fairly low temperatures. The second type was supplemented with an alloy capable of "memorizing" shapes. Some options can be used in machine sewing.

In the first case, the tissue can be heated to a certain temperature, becoming soft and pliable, and later cooled to room temperature. This allows her to fix a certain shape.

In the second - "program" to return to the desired state. Moreover, this will be done only under previously fixed conditions. It turns out that textiles are moving. That is why he was compared to a robot.

The practical application of the innovative development, according to the researchers, is to use it for tents or parachutes. Such devices could open up on their own. In some cases, the fabric can be used for technological clothing.

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