Nvidia Launches New Video Communication Platform (Video)

Nvidia Launches New Video Communication Platform (Video)

7 October 2020, 9:54
A source: © popmech.ru
The American company Nvidia has announced the release of a new video conferencing platform. It will be based on artificial intelligence.

Functionality development will align the interlocutor's face, provide enhanced noise isolation and "refine" images.

Instead of transmitting standard pixel images, the platform will analyze facial features. Then, by means of algorithms, it will "build" the image of the interlocutor. The essence of this procedure is automatic face correction. It turns out that during a conversation, the participants in the video conference will always be addressed to each other.

The functional component is complemented by a voice assistant that can recognize different languages ​​and generate speech. He is also able to take notes and answer questions. And the presence of an interpreter and a transcriptor will help the participants to better understand the meaning of the discussion.

The company's development will not be intended for general consumption. It is aimed at companies that need to improve their own communication software.

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