Scientists have developed a robot that can ride a skateboard (Video)

Scientists have developed a robot that can ride a skateboard (Video)

9 October 2020, 11:31
A source: ©
Scientists have succeeded in developing a robot that can maintain balance even in difficult conditions. While testing it, they used a treadmill and skateboard platform.

The researchers' development is a four-legged framework that uses artificial intelligence to work. To show its adaptability to different types of surfaces, planes were used, where the angle of inclination changed during testing.

The main objective of the study was to teach the robot to adapt to environmental conditions. These could be new scenarios that were previously played in whole or in part.

The model was tested on treadmills consisting of two belts. And, despite the fact that the speed of each of them changed in different ways, the robot managed to maintain balance on both.

The next stage is the transfer of testing to real time. Now scientists have released a special video showing the verification procedure for their development. A similar video will be created for real time.

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