Bulgarian developers have constructed an ultrasonic electric car

Bulgarian developers have constructed an ultrasonic electric car

10 October 2020, 17:37
A source: © popmech.ru
The Bulgarian company Alieno showed how the car of the future will look like. Its specialists presented a 5000-horsepower model of a new electric car.

The car was assembled back in 2018, but the official presentation of the novelty took place just now. This is a futuristic exterior and interior, exorbitant technical characteristics. The power of the ultracar exceeds 5000 hp. from. And on one charge, it can travel more than 1000 km.

According to the developers, this is the most powerful electric car that will go into mass production. Its torque size will be three times larger than the known timber trucks.

The car will be able to collect information while driving thanks to 17 video cameras, a lidar and eight radars. Also, many other sensors will help her in this. And despite the ability to reach a top speed of 488 km / h, the ultracar will be one of the safest vehicles on the road.

The Bulgarian company is confident that it will start mass production of cars in January 2021. However, at the moment, these prospects seem unrealistic.
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