Publishing News and Writing Simple Texts - New AI Opportunities (Video)

Publishing News and Writing Simple Texts - New AI Opportunities (Video)

20 October 2020, 13:06
A source: ©
The AI-based algorithm used in two Canadian publications won the prestigious journalism award. His main achievements are performing routine editorial work - writing news texts and publishing them.

Smart editor uses technologies owned by two Canadian editions. He studies and curates 99% of the content posted on their sites. Among the main tasks of the algorithm is the preparation of material that can increase the number of subscribers and "beat off" advertising.

In order for the algorithm to understand the principles and technologies of writing texts, it was trained on the basis of already existing news. He adopted the structure of those that were most interesting to readers. After that, the AI ​​independently set the parameters, and published texts without human intervention.

According to the researchers, journalists should not be afraid of being unemployed. After all, the algorithm is aimed only at performing routine editorial work. It is intended to enable you to concentrate on deeper preparation for writing less urgent material.

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