New Companion Robot Needs Attention and Care - Engineers (Video)

New Companion Robot Needs Attention and Care - Engineers (Video)

21 November 2020, 13:20
A source: ©
A robot that can help alleviate loneliness was created by specialists from the University of Manitoba. He needs love and attention.

Outwardly, the robot resembles something like a manatee, which has a tusk. The latter is able to move, glow. Thus, the plush toy expresses its gratitude, desire to hug and so on.

The first prototype is the brainchild of a computer technology student. The girl is sure that many people just need such a robot. It helps to brighten up loneliness, to realize your feeling of care for someone. After all, it has been proven that it improves the well-being and motivation of a person.

The created robot can lie and sit. With his movement, he reacts to contact with a person. If necessary, the manatee even attracts the attention of its owner. Gives feedback.

Previously, companion robots were used only in a clinical setting. They were difficult to acquire due to their high cost. The authors of the project believe that their development can provide real help to people. Largely because of this, they made the robot easy to operate and affordable.

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