Children should play in the mud - explorers

Children should play in the mud - explorers

25 November 2020, 18:18
A source: ©
A new study by scientists from Finland has shown that children simply need to play outdoors in the mud. This strengthens their immune system.

The researchers believe that playing in muddy areas increases the diversity of bacteria on the skin's surface. Blood samples increase the amount of protein that prevents inflammation. And this, in turn, affects the state of immunity. But eating in such conditions, even with the cleanest cutlery, is prohibited.

The experiment was carried out with the participation of more than 70 children of primary school age. They were divided into two groups: one - walking in the city in the cleared areas, the other - in the forest or areas where forest turf was added.

After analyzing the results, scientists came to the conclusion that children need to be in contact with microorganisms. Especially those that are concentrated in the upper layers of the soil.

Scientists plan to continue studying the effects of the environment on children's immunity. In the near future, they want to conduct a series of experiments, where they will track the effect of water and air on the child's body. Of course, all research is carried out only in a safe environment for children.
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