Engineers have created the smallest atomic memory unit

Engineers have created the smallest atomic memory unit

26 November 2020, 16:53
A source: ©
American engineers were able to create the smallest information carrier. Its area does not even reach 1 square nanometer.

The main nanomaterial in the study was molybdenum disulfide. Despite this, scientists plan to apply the discovery to hundreds of atomically thin materials.

The new device was classified as memristors. On a relatively small area, it can be more recognizable in memory than similar chips.

As a basis for the research, a group of scientists "pushed" from the memory device created in 2018. But this time they went for an even greater reduction in size and cross-sectional area.

According to the researchers, a race is underway to make chips as small as possible and to increase their capacity in terms of data. For example, using smaller processors, you can create compact gadgets. And if we talk about reducing the size of microcircuits, then this also affects their energy consumption.

At the moment, testing of the new device continues. Researchers are experimenting with its size and the amount of information that can be placed on it.
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