Zara presented furniture and accessories for music lovers

Zara presented furniture and accessories for music lovers

30 November 2020, 11:33
A source: ©
Zara Home has presented a new collection of furniture and accessories that are used to listen to music. The bet was made on retro style.

The line includes pieces of furniture - a specially designed wooden table, a headphone stand. And also accessories - light bulbs, ashtrays and other decor.

Table is the central element of the new collection. It was developed specifically for the convenience of listening to records. On the right side there is a “pocket” for them, and on the left there is a jute drawer. The design is lightweight, comfortable and functional.

A vinyl turntable and special headphones have been specially developed for the new collection. The brand is engaged in the creation of such items for the first time.

The peculiarity of the vinyl record player is not only that it is based on wood. But also in the way of playing records - it is manual.

The earbuds are equipped with an enhanced sound absorption function. This, according to their creators, allows you to fully concentrate on listening to music or creating it.

Against the background of the release of a new collection, the brand decided to "revive" several vinyl records.

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