It's not just buying an expensive metal detector - a search engine about your hobby

It's not just buying an expensive metal detector - a search engine about your hobby

5 December 2020, 18:17
A source: ©
Instrumental search is a hobby that is finding more and more fans. An experienced search engine shared his advice.

Before starting to engage in instrumental search, you should understand that this is not only the purchase of an expensive metal detector and systematic field trips with the instrument. This is a study of the past of the area where the search is being conducted. This is a long-term mastery of working with different devices, and reading maps.

Preparing for a search should begin with a visit to the library, where old newspapers, books, maps of the area supposed to be explored are kept. They will help you decide what to look for and where.

Next, you need to pick up a metal detector and all related equipment - a shovel, backpack, flashlight, etc. Before leaving the field with the device, you should understand in detail its settings, charge the batteries, and put on protective covers if necessary.

On your first trips, it is better to go with a partner or a group of more experienced friends. They will help in case of problems with the metal detector, as well as in other unforeseen situations - wild animals, holes, collapses in old houses.

Instrumental search is an exciting hobby. But it requires a varied preparation. Moreover, this process can take not only months, but also years in time.
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