Children's room layout: 5 examples

Children's room layout: 5 examples

5 December 2020, 18:29
A source: ©
A children's room is a place where a child spends part of his life. Therefore, the task of parents is to create a safe, comfortable space that would please their child.

Interior designers recommend concentrating on planning the room even before the baby is born. And in the course of his growing up, transform the existing space under child or children.

It's worth starting with the general style of the children's room. You can choose some theme, or you can choose a certain color and start from it. The second option is preferable because it does not tie to a clear decor. It is better to choose pastel soft shades as a color with some bright elements inserted.

Furniture should match the general style of the child's room. But at the same time, be safe - a minimum of sharp corners, non-toxic materials. It is not necessary that these are well-known manufacturers. You can even make furniture yourself or to order.

Don't forget about decorative items. The walls can be decorated with family photos and abstract paintings. Curtains, rugs and pillows are also a must. After all, this will give the room additional comfort and make it even more comfortable.

When creating a nursery, the main thing is that, first of all, the child himself likes it.

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