Blanket or plaid? Experts advise which is the best to choose

Blanket or plaid? Experts advise which is the best to choose

18 December 2020, 17:11
A source: ©
The blanket and plaid have been fighting an invisible battle for attention for many years. Some give preference to the former, others to the latter. To determine the choice, experts spoke about the benefits of these textiles.

Externally, the blanket and plaid are very similar. Many people even call them the same. However, these are completely different elements of bedding. A blanket is considered a thinner version of a blanket. The blanket is usually thicker and warmer than the blanket.

The blanket is suitable for temperate climates. When the owners of apartments and houses do not need too much heat. And also for those who cannot stand overheating. Its advantages include good air permeability and hygroscopicity. Moreover, the color of the blanket is not particularly important for the interior.

The blanket warms up better and is more comfortable to use. It is quite warm and is suitable for those who cannot stand even light coolness. An additional advantage of this textile is the ability to decorate the space.

It is convenient to use blankets not only at home. They can be taken in the car for a picnic. They are perfect for tents.

When choosing these textiles, you should opt for natural materials. Wool, linen or cotton. Of course, synthetics will be inferior to them.
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