British authorities decided to ban the use of bots for the purchase of gadgets

British authorities decided to ban the use of bots for the purchase of gadgets

18 December 2020, 17:45
A source: ©
The British authorities heard the wishes of their fellow citizens and decided to influence online sales. They intend to prohibit the use of automated bots for the purchase / sale of gadgets and components for them.

The decision of politicians will spread, first of all, to game consoles and components for personal computers - joysticks, steering wheels, speakers, etc. They are most often bought and then resold by bots at an inflated price.

The authorities want to introduce a ban at the legislative level in order to somehow stabilize the situation with Internet speculation.

At the moment, it is not yet clear when the automated bots will be banned. Presumably this will happen next year.

As a rule, proposals of this kind are often ignored and do not reach the consideration of the House of Commons. But members of the Scottish National Party fighting for such an initiative are determined.

Not only British politicians, but also gamers around the world faced a similar problem. Because of the second-hand bots, many were unable to buy new-generation video cards and game consoles.

The pandemic also played a role in the large-scale deficit. Most technology companies were not ready for this, and resellers were able to take advantage of the situation in time.
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