Fun, useful and with a breeze - skaters about their hobby

Fun, useful and with a breeze - skaters about their hobby

21 December 2020, 17:34
A source: ©
Ice skating is quite fun. But learning it is not always easy. Ride lovers told how easy it is to learn this.

To make the first skating as productive as possible, you first need to select skates in size and lace them tightly. The boot should fit snugly on the leg, without squeezing the leg. Otherwise, abrasions and slight numbness in the fingers may appear.

On the ice, you need to take the correct position. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, knees and toes pointed clearly forward. The chest is straightened, the shoulders are slightly lowered, the stomach is pulled in. Excessive bends in the lower back should be avoided.

During the first ride, your arms need to be spread slightly to the sides and your knees should be slightly bent. This position will help you gain stability on ice.

After maintaining balance, you can move on to walking on ice. This will allow you to feel more confident on the rink and speed up your learning to ride. The essence of ice walking is to step from foot to foot in small steps.

First, it is better to train near the side or lean on a special simulator. You can use the help of an instructor.

In the process of learning, you need to learn how to fall and get up correctly. It involves the hands, hip and knee.

And only after these stages you can proceed to full-fledged skating.
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