NASA will send a robot dog to Mars

NASA will send a robot dog to Mars

21 December 2020, 18:10
A source: ©
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration plans to send a robot dog to Mars. They want to equip it with artificial intelligence and a set of sensors.

An improved version of the robot dog is currently being tested. It is 12 times lighter than a conventional rover and is capable of covering distances at speeds up to 5 km / h.

The choice for this device did not fall by chance. Indeed, to study the Martian surface, it will require special maneuverability and stability, which it possesses. The robot dog is capable of covering considerable distances over rough terrain.

Conventional devices typically examine flat surfaces. Therefore, many places, due to the peculiarities of the relief of Mars, become inaccessible to scientists. As for robotic dogs, they are perfect in this regard. Moreover, even after a fall, they can get up on their own.

Presumably, the device will be used to explore Martian caves and craters. Now, during the testing phase, the robot is placed in tunnels with surfaces that simulate Martian landscapes.

After testing, scientists intend to move on to transporting the device to the surface of Mars.
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