The magic of tea drinking: the photographer combines flower petals in his works with a morning cup of tea (Photo)

The magic of tea drinking: the photographer combines flower petals in his works with a morning cup of tea (Photo)

22 December 2020, 17:13
A source: ©
Flower arrangements with cups of tea are created by photographer Marina Malinovaya. In her works, she includes all kinds of plants that are associated with the tea drinking procedure.

The girl's photo projects involve roses, daisies, as well as flowers from various trees and bushes - linden, jasmine, bird cherry. They are pre-dried to make the shape as “flexible” as possible for shooting.

The photographer complements the flowers with the elements service - teapots, saucers, cups. Moreover, she prefers not new sets, but stylized antique or really old ones.

For some compositions Marina Malinovskaya uses additional accessories. These can be old books, blankets, candles in candlesticks. Everything that symbolizes calmness, comfort and harmony.

According to the girl herself, the main secret of her work lies in the special arrangement of flowers. They seem to be poured out of a teapot or stylized as steam.

Marina Malinovskaya publishes all her works on social networks. There she, talking about the technologies of creating tea compositions, is looking for new admirers of her work.

Recently, several companies engaged in the production of tea began to cooperate with the girl. They really liked the idea of ​​the girl and they plan to use it in their advertising.

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