Playing Chess: Easy Steps for Beginners

Playing Chess: Easy Steps for Beginners

24 December 2020, 21:30
A source: ©
Chess is a game that is never too late to learn to play. You can start both at preschool age and when you are already retired. Professional chess players talked about the basic rules for a quick start.

It all starts with studying the correct location of the board surface and figures. Before the start of the game, a white cell must be in front of each of the players in the lower right corner. The pieces are always placed in the same order - pawns are placed in the second row from the bottom, the first row, starting from the corners - rooks, knights, bishops and a king with a queen. Moreover, the queen always occupies a square corresponding to her color.

The next step is to study the movement of the figures. They cannot jump over the other pieces of their color, except for the knight, and stand on the field where their brother-in-law has already taken a place. As a rule, they need to be positioned so that they pose a potential threat to the enemy.

After learning the basics - the movement of each chess piece across the field, you can proceed to the special rules. For example, the transformation of a pawn into any other piece, capture on the passage or castling.

To consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained, it must be applied in practice. Just start playing chess.

After the simplest steps and combinations, you can move on to more complex ones. The main thing is not to stop studying this interesting game.
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