High precision and detail - original paintings by an artist from France (Video)

High precision and detail - original paintings by an artist from France (Video)

26 December 2020, 12:35
A source: © fastory.ru
The drawings of mechanical creatures are created by the artist from France Stephen Salvat. Their main feature is detailing, reminiscent of wall maps.

Among the works of the Frenchman are mechanical insects, animals and birds. He sometimes portrays fantasy creatures. Its beetles and butterflies seem to be assembled from many details and decorated with precious stones.

Outwardly, Hymenoptera resemble steampunk sculptures that are "stretched" on paper. The artist paints them with wings closed and open. In the second case, you can even trace what is depicted on the miniature body of the insect.

Stephen Salvat uses different materials for his drawings. These are watercolors and ink. Sometimes he has to draw individual elements using simple pencils, black helium pens.

Thanks to the creative synthesis and vision of the ultimate goal, the French artist with his works gained fame far beyond the borders of his country. He was invited to take part in exhibitions in Germany, Italy and Spain.

According to Steven Salvat, every person should have a personal means of self-expression. In the case of an artist, these are his paintings.

At this stage, the Frenchman draws his insects, animals and birds not for sale. Now everything is at the level of a hobby. He doesn't want to turn his occupation into a business.

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