Chinese Engineers Develop Electronic Ink Monitor (Video)

Chinese Engineers Develop Electronic Ink Monitor (Video)

30 December 2020, 13:16
A source: ©
The Chinese company Dasung has developed a monitor based on electronic ink technology. In part, they are already familiar to fans of e-books, but still such devices are exotic.

The essence of the novelty lies in the information display technology based on imitation of printing on paper by the principle of electrophoresis.

Unlike conventional monitors, the image is formed in reflected light here. And the text and pictures can be saved for a sufficient amount of time. In this case, a minimum amount of energy is consumed, since it is spent only on changing the graphic data itself.

This technology is very suitable for e-book lovers. After all, it uses a priori black text on a white background. Variations are possible at the request of users.

Screens with e-ink technology prevent sun fading and glare. But when it comes to personal computers, things get a little more complicated. Therefore, manufacturers point out at once: the scope of the screen at home and in the office is still limited.

The first pilot version of the monitor took about six years to develop. The work on the second model took less time. Whether the improvements will continue is still unknown.

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