Furniture from the nursery can not be changed - interior designers

Furniture from the nursery can not be changed - interior designers

2 January 2021, 19:26
A source: ©
Children's room is a place of transformation. Therefore, parents need to take this into account during repairs and rearrangements. The designers talked about changing the room without replacing the furniture.

Furniture is one of the most expensive parts in the interior. Therefore, modern designers agree that some details of cribs, tables or armchairs can be changed over time.

For example, in cribs, arched legs can be replaced with regular rectangular ones. The soft protection can be removed from the strap. And in some cases, even the bylts themselves are made removable, so that if necessary, the bed can be used even for up to 6-7 years.

As for cabinets and shelves, interior designers recommend opting for modular designs. Those where you can increase the number of shelves or the height of the furniture itself.

It is also advisable to buy tables and chairs with the possibility of height adjustment. This way they can be adapted to the needs of the child without further harm to health.

Themed children's rooms are especially popular today. They solve the problem of a fantasy space for the child. But this applies only to the first few years of use. As a rule, then the child grows up, his preferences change and furniture needs to be replaced.
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