Astronauts, firefighters and rock stars - large-scale construction sets from Lego

Astronauts, firefighters and rock stars - large-scale construction sets from Lego

4 January 2021, 14:24
A source: ©
The Lego company has been producing educational construction sets for more than a decade. One of her latest projects is dedicated to the future of children.

The advertising company is aimed at three projects - three types of constructor - visualization for a firefighter, an astronaut and a rock star. Each of them is a costume that is as if worn by a child. Visually, it turns out that his builder creates himself from the inside.

Company representatives believe that children's dreams need to be realized. And, as a rule, parents can do it if they wish. It is enough to listen to what the children are talking about, who they want to become.

As a rule, in the future, every child sees himself as a hero - a firefighter, an astronaut, an athlete or a rock star. This is the desire to be accepted by society, to find your place in it.

This is why Lego took this step. She hears and listens to her little clients. Takes into account their interests.

In the future, the world-famous manufacturer of construction sets plans to continue creating such projects for children with an emphasis on socialization, professional orientation.

If parents have a desire to understand what their son or daughter is interested in, it is enough just to observe them. In particular, in gaming activities.

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