OXO showed the best options for wall shelves (Photo)

OXO showed the best options for wall shelves (Photo)

8 January 2021, 15:49
A source: © museum-design.ru
Wall shelves are elements that can save the interior. They act not only as a decorative, but also as a functional accent. OXO has collected the best options.

Rectangular shelves are considered classics of the genre. It cannot be said that they have lost their relevance. These pieces of furniture are still found in many interiors. But, as a rule, only premises furnished in the same style are decorated.

Triangular, oval, square shelves prevail in high-tech "libraries". Quite often they are used for children's rooms to give the space a touch of madness and creativity.

Modular designs are very popular. They are practical, comfortable and easy to install.

Another novelty is the corner shelves that are built into the corners of the premises. But, unfortunately, they are small in size and most often act as decor.

By combining different types of shelves, you can create complete shelving. But at the same time, one should not forget about the peculiarities of the room.

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru
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