Silk, textiles and ceramics - the unity of materials in the works of a Moscow needlewoman (Photo)

Silk, textiles and ceramics - the unity of materials in the works of a Moscow needlewoman (Photo)

18 January 2021, 16:55
A source: ©
The embroideries of an unusual shape and composition are created by the Moscow needlewoman Rosa Andreeva. They combine different materials that, it would seem, cannot be used in embroidery.

The main materials that appear in the works of Rosa Andreeva are silk threads, textile inserts in the form of fabric cuts and fragments of old ceramic pots. Visually, it turns out that these are flowers in vases or flowerpots.

Thoughtful compositions, volumetric details and a harmonious combination of colors attract attention in the works of the craftswoman. Rosa Andreeva also knows how to highlight accents in an amazing way. She first chooses the main color, and then complements it with accent solutions. The girl gives preference to red and green colors.

The craftswoman performs some works exclusively in pastel shades. Others, on the contrary, are quite bright and variegated. The choice of the general nature of the product depends on the mood of the needlewoman herself. As she says, sometimes you want something calm, and sometimes - bright and memorable.

Roza Andreeva publishes her works on her website. They can often be found on social networks. There are not only photos of finished works, but also the sequence of execution, as well as advice on the choice of materials used.

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