OXO showed figures of snow and ice, which many want to buy for their homes (Photo)

OXO showed figures of snow and ice, which many want to buy for their homes (Photo)

18 January 2021, 17:38
A source: © museum-design.ru
Winter is an incredible time of the year that allows you to not only have fun, but also create. Sledding or skiing can be supplemented by creating figures from ice and snow.

The photos below were taken at the annual Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin, China. Each time the figures created there occupy a total area of ​​about 600 thousand square meters. Sculptors from all over the world come here to show their skills.

Real castles are built in front of visitors, striking in their beauty and scale. Sculptors recreate stories from fairy tales, cartoons and films. The amazing thing is that they manage to do it in incredible detail.

The ice labyrinths can be walked all day long. The main thing is to stick to the pointers. Otherwise you can get confused.

These ice and snow creations are no less beautiful in the evening. When it gets dark around and the backlight starts to work. In recent years, the organizers of the exhibition have started using fireworks. In the multi-colored lights, the creations of the sculptors shimmer, shine and look even larger.

Visitors to the exhibition often wish to buy one of the sculptures. But due to their scale and volume, this happens quite rarely.

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru

Photo © museum-design.ru
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