New camera capable of shooting at

New camera capable of shooting at

18 January 2021, 17:51
A source: ©
The ultra-sensitive camera was developed by a team of Caltech scientists. In addition to high frequency, it is able to shoot transparent objects.

The invention is a camera of standard design. However, it is equipped with a number of functions that were not previously used. For example, the ability to shoot at up to a trillion frames per second. And also capture images invisible to the human eye.

Researchers believe that using it for high-quality selfies is unlikely to work. Rather, it will be used in physical, chemical and biological laboratories. This is due to the fact that the camera uses special innovative technologies with complex mathematical algorithms.

The photographic technique deserves special attention, which allows you to see transparent objects. This, for example, can be cells consisting mainly of water.

At the moment, the research team has almost finished testing the new camera. It is noted that they are quite successful.

Scientists plan to use a camera to track the propagation of signals along nerve fibers. Moreover, this procedure will be carried out in real time.

After the end of the tests, scientists must publish research materials in specialized publications.
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