Abstract compositions and organic forms - carved patterns on plywood by a US joiner

Abstract compositions and organic forms - carved patterns on plywood by a US joiner

20 January 2021, 12:58
A source: © bigpicture.ru
Wood carving is a hobby of the American carpenter Gabriel Sham. His works look like ornaments covering the domes of ancient temples.

As a result, the American gets abstract compositions that seem to "pulsate" in wavy shapes. Outwardly, they resemble the petals of endlessly blossoming flowers.

The American draws inspiration for his creativity from Islamic architecture and Buddhist mandalas. He has long been obsessed with doing something big. And finally he did it.

In her work, Gabriel Shama usually uses plywood. When first gluing the, inch thick sheets, the cutter is used. The creation of ornaments occurs in layers, which subsequently allows intricate ornaments to appear.

The initial stage of the wizard's work is associated with the design of the future image. A graphic editor helps him in this. For each layer, its own template is determined, which, after printing, is transferred to the plywood.

According to ready-made templates, sheets are cut and glued into single compositions. They are dried and varnished for wood. This is necessary not only from the position of consolidating the "beauty effect", but also to prevent the development of harmful organisms. Still a tree.

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru
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