New worlds in old watches - the work of a Greek master (Photo)

New worlds in old watches - the work of a Greek master (Photo)

21 January 2021, 16:16
A source: ©
Miniatures are a hobby of the Greek master Gregory Grozos. In his work, he uses old watch cases.

Sculptures handmade are miniature worlds. It is like a magic window to another world with its "inhabitants". These can be plot compositions or static interiors.

Gregory Grozos usually finds cases from old watches at flea markets. He buys non-working mechanisms, dismantles them, leaving only the body.

In some cases, the non-working "insides" of the clock are used. These can be gears, springs, or bells. But their master sees in his own way. In his works, they appear as tree trunks, stairs or people.

Sometimes Gregory Grozos has to cut some plot elements on the metal. Here he uses tweezers, scalpels and miniature chisels. By working through the elements in detail, whole worlds are obtained.

From the point of view of stylistics, the master works in two directions - steampunk and fantasy. But it also adds a touch of realism. For example, modern prints may appear on rough bookshelves near ancient tomes.

Looking closely, each viewer can find something of his own in the creations of Gregory Grozos. Calmness, dynamics and even magic.

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