Bed, Wi-Fi and Solar Cell - Lifeboat from IBM, Tesla, SpaceX and Airbnb

Bed, Wi-Fi and Solar Cell - Lifeboat from IBM, Tesla, SpaceX and Airbnb

22 January 2021, 13:33
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The innovative tent-like design was invented by employees at IBM, Tesla, SpaceX and Airbnb. They named their technological "temporary home" in honor of the fifth planet of the solar system - Jupe.

A tent or lifeboat is a temporary shelter that can adapt to almost any environment. It is a modular design that folds out quickly and leaves minimal traces on the surface. It becomes like a camouflage suit.

The capsule offers its owner 10 square meters of living space, which has one or two beds, depending on the configuration. Also, the mobile layout is complemented by an ottoman, table and armchairs.

Technically, this makeshift dwelling is also pretty well built. The roof has a solar battery, Wi-Fi hotspot. Inside there are power outlets and several USB ports.

There are enough storage areas under the tent itself in which to place clothes, as well as household items. If necessary, they can be obtained by means of drawers.

The entire installation of the structure takes several hours. To begin with, a frame made of aluminum pipes is installed and a fireproof awning is stretched.

The cost of a rescue capsule, with all its convenience, is rather high - from 17.5 thousand dollars.

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