American woman combines textiles and ceramics in her works

American woman combines textiles and ceramics in her works

23 January 2021, 14:35
A source: ©
The installations in which radically different materials are combined are created by the US artist Nicole MacLeuth. These are very unusual products that amaze with their tenderness.

In her work, the American uses textiles and ceramics. And she does it not by chance. Textile elements emphasize pliability and softness, while ceramic elements emphasize fragility of compositions.

From the point of view of the color component, here it is necessary to emphasize the tenderness and sophistication of handmade products. As a rule, Nicole McLeout resorts to muted shades.

For ceramic dishes, the girl uses a combination of white and blue. This sends the audience back to the classic porcelain painting of European masters.

And textile "braids" can be very different - from red to purple. The only thing is that their shades are not saturated, but pastel or "dirty".

The decision to devote all my free time to a hobby came naturally. For a long time she was fond of creating ceramic products. A chance helped Nicole MacLouth to get away from standard solutions.

One day she left a weaving of thread on a ceramic plate. Then I tried to combine it all. After several attempts to make one product, the needlewoman succeeded. The girl was very pleased with the result.

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