Perfect from handlebar to trunk - vintage bike from Louis Vuitton

Perfect from handlebar to trunk - vintage bike from Louis Vuitton

26 January 2021, 20:29
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The fashion brand Louis Vuitton has presented a vintage vehicle in collaboration with the Parisian workshop Maison Tamboite. This is a handmade bicycle decorated with corporate logos.

Outwardly, the novelty resembles a conventional vehicle that was actively used in the last century. Although now you can find similar models. Bicycle with a frame, an arched handlebar and a metal trunk.

Distinctive features of the novelty are decoration with the brand logo of the fashion house and a branded flower on a chain from a Parisian workshop. In addition to this, the bike is made of the highest quality materials and equipped with modern developments focused on increased comfort and quality of movement.

The main purpose of the new bike, according to representatives of Louis Vuitton, will be leisurely cycling in Paris. If riders have a desire to enjoy the views of this romantic city, they can do it at any time and in any place. Of course, except for the roadway.

No announcements have yet been made regarding the release dates or the number of bicycles. Presumably it will be a limited edition as it is handmade. It remains only to wait for the official statements of the fashion house.

Read also: The designer has developed an electric bike based on the TESLA concept car (Infographics)

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