Needlewomen showed how you can use an old leather jacket

Needlewomen showed how you can use an old leather jacket

29 January 2021, 20:02
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A leather jacket is a reliable and durable thing. But over time, it also wears out. It is a pity to throw it away, so many go for experiments.

Needlewomen create new clothes, accessories, decorative elements and even jewelry from old leather jackets. For many, converting an already rather shabby outerwear into something new turns into a real hobby.

Old jackets can be used to make jackets, vests and even tops. It is enough just to cut in the right places - shorten the length of the sleeve, hem or add some inserts.

If we talk about accessories, then the most popular ways to transform an old jacket are to sew bags, wallets, gloves and phone cases. And often from one jacket several items can turn out at once. Fortunately, the size allows.

Decorations from old jackets are no less popular among craftswomen. These can be pillows, vases and even bedspreads. As a rule, pieces of leather are used for them.

Leather jewelry is a separate field for activity. Flower-shaped brooches are very popular. Although earrings and pendants are also often created from scraps.

Leather is a rather pliable material that allows you to create and enjoy your work.

Previously, OXO wrote about an American woman who combines textiles and ceramics in her works.

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