Korean scientists have learned to control the brain through a smartphone

Korean scientists have learned to control the brain through a smartphone

30 January 2021, 19:14
A source: © hightech.fm
A new experiment by Korean scientists was carried out using a rat. They studied the possibility of controlling the brain using a smartphone.

The development is a microchip intended for biocompatible materials. He was equipped with an antenna to collect electromagnetic radiation. Moreover, the latter allows it to be transformed into electricity for self-charging.

During the study, a microchip was implanted into the rodent's brain. Then the animal was injected with some cocaine and tried to control it in real time. This procedure was carried out through a special application.

The neuroimplant made it possible to block the action of cocaine. At the same time, scientists argue that this technology can be used in relation to any type of implant.

The chip's battery is charged wirelessly remotely. Thus, energy replenishment occurs non-stop. This allows you not to disturb the object of research once again.

It is assumed that the new development will allow more detailed study of animals.

At the moment, Korean scientists are summing up the final results of their experiment, systematizing them and preparing them for publication.

It is possible that they will soon test their development on a larger animal.

Earlier, OXO reported about American scientists who discovered new possibilities of bacteria.
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