Deep textures and shadow illusion - volumetric engravings by an artist from New Zealand (Photo)

Deep textures and shadow illusion - volumetric engravings by an artist from New Zealand (Photo)

1 February 2021, 11:14
A source: ©
The engravings of extraordinary beauty are created by the artist from New Zealand Hannah Jensen. The animals and birds she draws look very realistic.

The essence of the artist's work is to use a special technology for applying paint, combining woodcarving, aqua fort and gravure printing. And the unusual combination of colors allows you to achieve unimaginable shades on her engravings.

Hannah Jensen begins developing her new creation on the computer. Thanks in part to her technical education, she creates the future image in graphic editors. The possibility of volumetric vision allows you to view the object from all sides. To predict, if I may say so, how the coat will lie or the plumage will be located.

After the technical part of her work, the artist proceeds to coating the surface with paint. She applies about eighty layers in order to subsequently be able to adjust the desired shade. After all, by removing layer by layer during carving, a finished drawing is obtained in the right places.

Sometimes Hannah Jensen stops at forty shades of acrylic. But, as a rule, these are small images with little detail.

After finishing work with knives used for carving, the finished painting dries up and is covered with a layer of varnish. It allows not only to preserve the volumetric image, but also to protect it from micro damage.

At the moment, Hannah Jensen has managed to hold far from one solo exhibition. She is an active participant in various charitable events, and also volunteers to teach children.

Earlier, OXO wrote about the hobby of an American carpenter who carves old ornaments on plywood.

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