Theater in Guangzhou, China - a miracle of architecture and design (Photo)

Theater in Guangzhou, China - a miracle of architecture and design (Photo)

1 February 2021, 17:04
A source: ©
The new theater was built by Steven Chilton Architects. The building is quite symbolic, since it is directly related to the main product of the eastern region of the country - natural silk.

As conceived by the architects, the multi-hull structure looks like it came out of a design book - it is covered with shiny satin silk. The secret of the extraordinary colors and textures lies in the use of special reflective panels. Due to their gloss, they shimmer, visually giving the roof of the theater a fabric effect.

The golden patterns also emphasize the connection with the key industrial component of eastern China. They are arranged in a chaotic manner across the entire roof surface and are made in the traditional style of the country. Among them you can find animals, birds and fish.

The interior decoration of the theater building is no less attractive. A huge circular hall with a central stage can accommodate tens of thousands of visitors.

The undulating roof contributes to unrivaled indoor acoustics. Therefore, theater goers can enjoy the perfect sound of voice or music anywhere in the auditorium.

And if we add to this the fact that the premises are multifunctional, then the solution of the architects from Steven Chilton Architects seems to be universal. The central part can be transformed into a small arena for circus performances, and movable screens can become part of equipment for viewing presentations or films.

The theater in Guangzhou is an incredibly beautiful building, designed in traditional Chinese style and supplemented with modern functionality.

Earlier, OXO wrote about figures of snow and ice, which many want to buy for their homes (Photo)

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