Bees, bees, wild bees: an American transforms glass cups with insect drawings (Photo)

Bees, bees, wild bees: an American transforms glass cups with insect drawings (Photo)

2 February 2021, 20:42
A source: ©
Images of insects are created on glass cups by a US resident who works under the name ArtMasha. Her jewelry is simply adorable.

The craftswoman uses non-toxic paints for her art objects, so the painted utensils can be used as intended. Drinking coffee or tea from it is no more dangerous than looking at painted walls.

The work to create these masterpieces starts with an idea. ArtMasha chooses insects for the cup. Usually she groups them - butterflies to butterflies, beetles to beetles, bees to bees. But sometimes he mixes.

She has a special reverence for pollen miners for honey, possibly because of their sunny color. ArtMasha tries to depict them more often on glass cups. Moreover, the size of the finished insects is quite impressive - they can be seen from afar.

The application of paint to the surface is preceded by the creation of compositions on paper. The artist imagines what is in the blooming meadow. Not only colorful insects fly towards her, but also birds. Although she still does not paint the latter.

Sometimes ArtMasha uses special transparent paper. With its help, an image is transferred from a computer or a sheet for sketches to glass. This is something like copying.

Recently, the American woman began to experiment. She now depicts not only insects, but also plants. Gorgeous roses and peonies, young green leaves, sunflowers and tulips - all this looks very organic on glass.

After the cups, ArtMasha systematically moved on to glasses. Then to glasses for different drinks. Perhaps in the future, she will add something else, but that's a completely different story ...

Previously, OXO broadcast about coffee mugs with a secret, created by an artist from the United States.

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