British architects will design a multifunctional complex in Scotland

British architects will design a multifunctional complex in Scotland

2 February 2021, 21:54
A source: ©
British architectural studio Scott Brownrigg presented a project to create a multifunctional complex. It will be designed not only for recreation.

The project assumes that 344 villas, reception, SPA and visitor center will be located on an area of ​​44 hectares. Also, there will be ecological facilities for solving production and research problems. But from the point of view of the interior, the architects will still add a bit of classics - fireplaces, candlesticks, metal chandeliers.

The location of the new center will be the former territory of coal mines. Therefore, when developing the project itself, the complex topography of the area was taken into account, as well as the long-term use of lands and their vegetation for grazing.

According to the authors of the project, this place should become a real home for researchers. With this in mind, when developing the functionality, an emphasis was placed on living areas and recreation areas. After all, employees of industrial enterprises, researchers and just service personnel need comfortable conditions.

For maximum "camouflage" the houses were decided to be installed on special supports. Perhaps even wooden. This will help them blend in as much as possible with the surrounding landscapes. Even in the decoration, it was decided to include elements of wood.

Regarding the launch of the project, its creators have not yet named exact dates. Presumably, it starts in the first few months of this year. But the situation in the world can make its own adjustments to the general construction plan. Nevertheless, its leaders hope that everything will go as it should.

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