British woman creates jewelry from vintage books (Photo)

British woman creates jewelry from vintage books (Photo)

5 February 2021, 10:14
A source: ©
The asymmetrical jewelry is created by the resident of Great Britain Jeremy May. Her work is a kind of recycling of vintage books.

British jewelry - all kinds of rings, bracelets, pendants and chains. These are variegated, depending on the theme of the books, paper jewelry. Many even resemble vintage items.

For each of her creations, the girl selects material for a long time. She usually buys old books at flea markets or garage sales, in antique shops. Some of them remain to add to Jeremy May's home library. As for those editions that can no longer be restored, they are used for decoration.

The hobby of the British craftswoman is only a few years old. But even during this time, she managed to develop a certain technique. First, the girl draws a sketch of the future ring or pendant. Then he glues the required number of pages to form a single paper stock.

Jeremy May carves a piece of jewelry out of a blank. At first, it's just a round ball or square. It all depends on what the girl will do. Further, special devices come into play - scalpels, tweezers, files. With their help, the Briton gives the desired shape to the product.

The final stages of work are impregnation with special antifungal compounds, varnishing and polishing. And, of course, keeping the subject.

As for the forms of future jewelry, Jeremy May comes up with them herself. It is inspired by the surrounding views, people and situations. Sometimes, after an hour's walk in the woods, a girl comes up with whole sets at once - earrings, rings and even whole necklaces.

Recently, OXO broadcast about a designer who stylizes earrings into cocoon frames.

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