Modern chess design: from old school to futurism

Modern chess design: from old school to futurism

7 February 2021, 9:00
A source: © boomboomroom-ru
Chess is one of the oldest games, the rules of which have remained unchanged for over a thousand years. But if the technique of the game is not subject to time, then the appearance of the board and the pieces takes on new outlines. Ojo showed what interpretations of chess are offered by designers.

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Adam Kraft used the innovative V30 Velcro technology for his chessWhen assembled, the board looks like a high-tech suitcase. If you expand it and arrange the figures, then the cells begin to glow. The backlighting is carried out by batteries.

The chess set from the designer Atrun Zala looks interesting. It is made of a minor key, a material that becomes visible in the light. Light-sensitive Led elements are mounted inside the board. The essence of the idea is that while the glass figurine in the form of a capsule is outside the cell, it is impossible to understand what role it plays. But if you put it on the playing field, then the figure turns out to be transparent. And then the traditional outlines of the figures are visible inside the capsule.

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The original alternative to the Stone figures was invented by Alastair McKee. The synthetic resin cylinders contain insects. Flying individuals represent "white" figures, crawling - "black".

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In Patricia Tower's futuristic chess, 3D printed figures are made in the form of five geometric shapes. The queen has the form of a molecule of alotrope carbon C60. The board is made of plexiglass.

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The idea of ​​a board with a wavy surface resembling the sea belongs to Adin Mumma. Spherical figures sway on it, as if on waves.

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As conceived by Damien Hirst, the silver and glass figures look like medicine jars. The chessboard is presented in the form of a mirror located on the operating trolley.

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The high-tech limited edition was designed by Barbara Kruger. Thanks to a computer program, the chess set changes the lighting and design of the playing field. Figures are made of Corian material.

It's no secret that there are many variations on the theme of chess design. A certain trend of design thought can be traced in the ultra-modern samples: themed chess with popular characters, glowing and flat chess, as well as an endless game with form and materials.

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Photo © boomboomroom-ru

Photo © boomboomroom-ru
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