Golf: what a beginner needs to know?

Golf: what a beginner needs to know?

17 February 2021, 16:43
A source: ©
Playing golf is not just physical activity. It is also a developed eye, memory, planning ability. Golfers told what a beginner needs to know.

The checklist of the main skills in golf is small but solid. This is the selection of equipment, and the choice of a place for the game, and the study of terminology with the rules of the game.

Beginner golfers are advised not to buy all of the equipment right away. Better to rent it. This will help you understand if it's worth continuing further and save money on unnecessary expenses. You can take advantage of the offers from golf clubs or borrow a golf club from a friend. Sometimes it is even advisable to go through the used inventory sales.

The choice of a place for the game is preceded by a detailed study of existing proposals. For a start, do not go to huge fields. It is worth opting for small training grounds.

At the training stage, it is recommended to attend tournaments. So you can watch the game of professionals. Take over their techniques.

But the most important thing is to study in detail the rules of the game and terminology. There are many specific terms in golf that you need to know completely. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to communicate with the instructor and then play.

Golf is a difficult sport, which requires consistency and slowness to master. You should forget about difficult fields until you have mastered the basics.

And it is very important to track your result in order to improve and go towards the set goal.

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