From home to smartphone: South Korean scientists develop universal solar panels

From home to smartphone: South Korean scientists develop universal solar panels

17 February 2021, 17:46
A source: ©
South Korean scientists have succeeded in developing universal panels that adapt not only to roofs of houses, but also to smartphones.

The development is a panel that converts sunlight into electricity. The scheme is well known, but with certain peculiarities. A combination of nickel oxide and titanium dioxide semiconductors was used.

The combination of nickel and titanium creates a highly efficient solar cell. It can be used for both scientific and industrial purposes.

According to lead author of the study, Jundong Kim, this is a breakthrough in the creation of solar cells of this type. High efficiency with low energy consumption.

A solar panel developed by scientists is capable of making the energy of the sun available for mass use. After all, the purchase, transportation, installation and maintenance of solar panels costs tens of thousands of dollars. Therefore, the researchers and went to similar experiments.

The presumed place of use of the new panels will be industrial enterprises that need a constant power supply. Scientists also want to use their development for scientific purposes - providing laboratories with solar energy.

On a utilitarian level, this could be a breakthrough in the power supply of smartphones. After all, the panels developed by South Korean specialists can be placed there as well.

In the first decade of 2021, solar panels will undergo additional tests. And towards the end of the year, scientists will try to start producing conceptual products to order.

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