Violin playing: what does a beginner violinist need to know?

Violin playing: what does a beginner violinist need to know?

19 February 2021, 20:27
A source: ©
The violin is one of the most difficult musical instruments to master. And you need to start getting to know him at an early age. Let's tell you what the experts think about this.

Without a bow and violin it is impossible to learn to play this musical instrument. Therefore, you should take care of buying it before the child comes to music school.

It also happens that having bought everything you need, a child quits classes after the first week. It is better to play it safe here: rent a tool. So it will be possible to understand whether it is worth continuing further, while not spending much on the purchase.

The main difficulties can arise with babies. After all, for them a standard violin is not a form, so they will have to make an instrument to order. Especially for children of preschool and primary school age.

Do not forget about the correct storage of the violin with a bow. The tool should be stored in a special wooden case. The temperature and humidity level in the room where it will be located should be normal. Swings should be avoided whenever possible. Excess heat and moisture can greatly affect the appearance and sound of a violin.

As for the performance itself, while playing the instrument, you should completely relax your arms, legs and neck. The teacher will teach the child all this. During the execution, you need to follow the trajectory of the bow. From the first lessons, it is important to learn to follow the recommendations of your teacher.

Violin playing involves not only work in a music school, but also outside of it. These are systematic classes to educate perseverance, attention, backed by a great desire.

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