No surprise: first mega tower to appear in China

No surprise: first mega tower to appear in China

22 February 2021, 20:38
A source: ©
Chinese designers have prepared a project to create a "vertical city". The megatower will be equipped with its own infrastructure.

Designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, the project includes a technology center, exhibition space, hotel, restaurant, residential and office space. It is also planned to be integrated into the metro tower.

In addition to technological load, gardens with an automatic irrigation function will be placed on the territory of the megatower. They will be complemented by special systems for the processing of water and solar energy. All this will be used both for the building itself and for nearby houses.

As the authors of the project note, it will be one of the tallest buildings in the world. But its construction should be preceded by approval from the relevant authorities. After all, China is considered one of the seismically active zones.

Nevertheless, thousands of high-rise structures are built annually on the territory of the country, which are used both in residential and shopping and entertainment complexes. They concentrate their own infrastructures with an established communication system. Typically, these complexes become large-scale advertising zones.

The project, which specialists from Zaha Hadid Architects are planning to implement, is now at the stage of discussing the nuances of construction with investors. Detailed specifications have not yet been announced.

But closer to the middle of 2021, it will become known which company will win the tender for the construction of the building. And also where exactly it will be erected. Tentatively, this will be the center of the capital.

OXO previously wrote about theater in Guangzhou, China - a miracle of architecture and design.
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