First winter hike: what you need to know?

First winter hike: what you need to know?

23 February 2021, 16:53
A source: ©
The first winter hike is associated with pleasant and unpleasant moments. To avoid the latter, you need to follow the recommendations of experienced travelers.

Correct preparation for the first winter hike is associated with detailed route planning, the selection of equipment, its correct packing. And also the study of unforeseen situations.

You should start preparing for a winter hike by choosing a route. For the first outing, it is better to opt for the territories close to the settlements. This will help in case of unforeseen situations to immediately seek help.

And the company is selected for the first trip taking into account the presence of experienced travelers in it. They will be able to tell you how to behave in a given situation.

At this stage, a route is laid using a map of the area. If there is a possibility of navigation devices.

It is better to select equipment according to the list. If the hike is planned for several days, then you cannot do without a winter tent and a sleeping bag. And here you will need a backpack of the appropriate size. In this case, you can cooperate with friends: someone will carry a tent, someone - sleeping bags, someone - provisions and so on.

When packing the backpack, it is necessary to take into account that it must contain essential items - warm changeable clothing, food and water, first aid kit, knife, matches, compass. Stack all items as they are used for the first time.

And, most importantly, do not forget to discuss possible unforeseen situations. Work out the order of actions. After that, you can safely choose a date for a trip to nature.

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