Paintball Game Tips for Beginners

Paintball Game Tips for Beginners

25 February 2021, 19:42
A source: ©
Playing paintball is a hobby that can both cheer you up and harm your health. To prevent the latter from happening, experienced players recommend listening to some advice.

It's worth starting with the rules of the game. Along the way, master equipment and tactical actions. And do not forget about physical and moral preparation.

The essence of the game is to defeat the enemy. As a rule, two teams of 6-12 players play. Players have machines filled with paint of different colors. The task of the game is to inflict more damage on the enemy.

The first step is to agree on who will attack and who will defend. And beginners should also be warned that these are their first games. This will make the rest of the players more circumspect.

As a rule, there are no difficulties in mastering the equipment. This is a safety helmet, khaki jumpsuit. Players have team-colored ribbons glued to their forearms or vests are worn. These differences allow you to navigate the game: who is the enemy, who is the brother-in-law.

From a safety standpoint, it is important not to remove the helmet Even if it is splashed with paint. One careless movement without protection can end in disaster.

Tactical actions involve knowledge of the territory. Experienced players are advised to look around before starting the game. Find places to hide behind. And also calculate the so-called "blind spots".

You can't sit in a shelter for a long time, otherwise the game will simply end. You should take an active part in it.

Physical and mental fitness is also very important. This is part of the attunement to the game, which can become a hobby over time.

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