Magic is near: the art of curly paper cutting

Magic is near: the art of curly paper cutting

28 February 2021, 10:00
A source: ©
Every day more and more followers of the art of curly paper cutting appear. The creation of paper masterpieces delights and surprises. OXO will tell about those who professionally own this magic.

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Stunning portraits and sea creatures are created by Japanese artist Kiri Ken. He draws inspiration from miniatures, drawn in ink. In his work, the Japanese uses paper from Ehime Paper and a special knife X-ACTO. Kiri's fine lines showcase all of his mastery of graphic technique.

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The filigree works of the Irishman Rogan Brown amaze the imagination. He cuts weird microorganisms out of paper. According to the author, these are not just complex patterns, but a kind of vision of the world around us.

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Suzie Taylor, a craftswoman from Hertfordshire, expresses her love for traditional floral motives and the genre of folk art in her creations. All works of the girl are exclusively handmade. She sits for hours on paper, painstakingly working through every detail.

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Laconic 3D portraits using minimalism technique are carved by a Filipino craftsman named Patrick Cabral. With his three-dimensional images of animals, the author tries to draw attention to nature conservation.

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The Yorkshire craftswoman Pippa Dirlagaa works in the traditional technique with a pencil and scalpel. The girl is inspired by pop culture, architecture and the animal world. Most often, Pippa's work takes only one sheet of paper.

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In 2000, a resident of France, Hina Aoyama, became interested in cutting paper products. With ordinary scissors, she creates ultra-thin and graceful lace, butterflies, flowers and texts that will fall in love with everyone who sees them. The specimens are so fragile that the Japanese woman places them under special glass to avoid damage.

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